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Boys Basketball

The Cabrillo After-School Boys Basketball Program will have most practices on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons from 3:15 pm – 5:00 pm. 

The Boys Basketball tryouts will be in January, and we will update the website with the official tryout date.  Final roster will be posted depending on the coach's discretion. If your student is one of the participants chosen their season will continue until early March. 


  • The objective of our program is to promote sportsmanship, improve basketball skills, and play competitively against other teams in our league

  • Players must maintain at least a “C” average to participate

  • Players must come to all practices; missing practice may lead to limited or no playing time at upcoming games and jeopardize their ability to remain part of the team 

  • Playing time may not necessarily be shared evenly among all team members; playing time depends on skill level, behavior at practice and games, and sportsmanship.

  • Not all players who are suited up will necessarily get into the game.

On game days, games for the 6/7th grade team will start at 4PM. It would be followed by the 8th grade game (around 5 PM).

We will travel by school bus to those school sites.