Principal's Welcome Back Letter 2024-25
June 24, 2024
Hello Cabrillo Families,
I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. I truly hope that you have had a restful and fun-filled summer. I look forward to meeting all of you, working with your children, and welcoming you back to school.
Cabrillo is a wonderful school full of history as it has been around for some time. It is rich with tradition and very much a part of the Santa Clara story.
I would like to welcome you to participate in the Cabrillo community in any way you wish. There are many opportunities. Please consider:
Coaching a team
Volunteering on campus
Chaperoning a field trip
Helping with large events
Visiting us on Back to School Night and Open House
Attending a parent event
If you child will not be attending Cabrillo this year- please contact Britnie Delgado - Registrar 408-423-3706,
Here is our schedule for the weeks prior to school starting. Please make sure that you reach out if you have questions.
Upcoming Events for 6th Graders |
Monday, August 12th |
6th Grade:
Upcoming Events for 7-8th Graders |
Monday, August 12th: |
7th Grade & 8th Grade
Upcoming Events for All Students & Families |
Tuesday, August 13 |
Thursday, September 5 |
Monday, September 19 |
Bell Schedule & more…..
Here is the LINK to our school website. You can find quite a lot of information here.
SCUSD Annual Update Reminder & AERIES Parent Portal
The annual student information update must be completed in order for your child to start school on the first day. Please follow this LINK for instructions on how to complete the Annual Student Information Update. You will also find information about how to set up your AERIES parent portal for attendance and grades.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents and guardians should use the Cabrillo drop off loop in the morning when dropping off students. The entrance of the drop off loop is located next to Bowers Park. Cars will need to make a right turn only towards San Tomas Expressway when leaving the drop off loop so that the drop off lane moves faster. Families can also use neighboring streets to drop off students as long as students use the two designated crosswalks. One is near Bowers Park and the other is near the Youth Activity Center. Families may also choose to drop students off on Raggio Avenue and walk through our back gate. Please remember that drop off and pick up are very busy times. Please plan ahead so that your child is on time each morning. Please also avoid double parking as it blocks visibility in our cross walks. We also advise that Bowers Park is not used for drop off as this is off campus and without supervision. Thank you.
Absence Reporting
Please email all absences to our Attendance Clerk, Santa Madrigal, at this address: or call: 408-423-3711.
Important: Please state the reason for the absence. If an absence is not cleared within three days it will be considered unexcused. Per Ed Code, we cannot approve absences for vacations.
Parent Square
Parent Square is our school-to-home communication system for the Santa Clara Unified School District.
This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your school and the district. It provides a safe way for the district, schools, and parents to:
Send and receive district and school information
Share pictures and files
See calendar items
Sign up to volunteer
Schedule parent-teacher conferences
and much more... all in one centralized place!
Families—Getting Started Video & Resources
All district and school information will be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text message. For even more convenience and an enhanced experience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Have questions? Click the question mark in the top right corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left) to find answers to most of your questions.
Student Handbook
The Cabrillo Student Handbook can be found at this LINK. Students will review the school rules with their first period teacher. I encourage you to also speak with your students about school policies so that they get off to a good start.
School Calendar
The school calendar is LINKED here for your planning purposes. The calendar can also be found on our school website.
Cabrillo Health Office Reminders
Students are not permitted to carry any medication unless they have ‘Authorization for Student to Carry and Self Administer’ form AND parent/guardian signature turned into the Health Office.
Students are not allowed to contact parents from cell phones during school hours, if they aren't feeling well. All calls to parents/guardians must be made from the health office as this ensures students check out of school properly and helps with student safety. Please discuss this policy with your child.
All vaccines must be current for a student to start on August 13th. Please contact our health clerk, Ms. Toni Gregory at (408) 423-3719 or if you have any questions about health-related matters.
I look forward to seeing you very soon. It is going to be a fantastic year. Go Cougars!
Lauren Kelly